In an effort to provide anglers with the best information possible, the Lake Metroparks' Fishing Report provides up-to-date information on fishing hotspots, recent activity by anglers and management activities by the Park District. Learn where the fish are biting and where fish have been stocked within the parks.

If you wish to share photos or information about your recent angling success within the parks with us please contact us at

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ponds stocked and active

Lake Metroparks' aquatic resources bring value to our parks and to Lake County, offering a variety of opportunities for fishing including stocked ponds as well as river, stream and lakeshore access.

The ponds at Hidden Lake and Veterans Park were stocked Tuesday with some nice-sized bass, bluegill and catfish.

Hidden Lake - April 14, 2015

Hidden Lake - April 14, 2015
Hidden Lake - April 14, 2015

As of today, the bass were very active and biting.

Veterans Park - April 15, 2015
Veterans Park - April 15, 2015

Veterans Park - April 15, 2015