In an effort to provide anglers with the best information possible, the Lake Metroparks' Fishing Report provides up-to-date information on fishing hotspots, recent activity by anglers and management activities by the Park District. Learn where the fish are biting and where fish have been stocked within the parks.

If you wish to share photos or information about your recent angling success within the parks with us please contact us at

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Steelhead are coming.....

The Grand River is currently running low and clear...however we are getting reports of Steelhead up river as far as the Route 20 bridge.  A lot of Steelhead are currently being caught off the Fairport short pier, so we just need a little rain and some more cool nights to get them pushing upriver.  Keep your fingers crossed for just enough rain to get the Grand flowing but not enough to muddy everything up.  There have been reports of Steelhead caught at Grand River Landing and Beaty Landing, but nothing of significance yet.

More fish were recently stocked at Hidden Lake for the Family Fishing Derby.  Plenty of nice size Largemouth Bass and Catfish are being caught during this beautiful Fall weather.  Please remember Hidden Lake is catch and release only at this time.

Watch this blog for information on the upcoming planned Fall Trout stocking at Veteran's Park.  We will update once the trout are in the water.

Fly Fishing at Hidden Valley 10.1.15

Steelhead are staging at the mouth of the Grand River!

Always time for one more cast!

Always something to catch at Hidden Valley, even in low water.

Biting off more than it can chew at Girdled Road

A great way to spend the day River Road Park

Almost as nice as a Largemouth...but not quite :)

Nice catfish being caught at Hidden Lake