In an effort to provide anglers with the best information possible, the Lake Metroparks' Fishing Report provides up-to-date information on fishing hotspots, recent activity by anglers and management activities by the Park District. Learn where the fish are biting and where fish have been stocked within the parks.

If you wish to share photos or information about your recent angling success within the parks with us please contact us at

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Free Fishing Clinic for 4th - 6th graders The Chagrin River Salmon Association

Boys and girls will learn skills, techniques and gain information to allow them to start fishing. 
The program consists of four instruction stations focusing on hands on participation and a strong conservation message. Then they will test their skills outside at our casting range and fish from our live fish tank stocked with 700 fish of many different species. 
The Fishing Clinic is supervised by Salmon Club members certified as instructors by the Ohio Division of Wildlife.  

Junior Fishing Clinic
Chagrin River Salmon Association
Erie Road in Eastlake 
(North of Lakeshore Blvd)
Saturday, May 18, 2013  
8:30 to 3 pm 
Boys and girls in 4th - 6th grade, 
10 years of age and older

The program is free.