In an effort to provide anglers with the best information possible, the Lake Metroparks' Fishing Report provides up-to-date information on fishing hotspots, recent activity by anglers and management activities by the Park District. Learn where the fish are biting and where fish have been stocked within the parks.

If you wish to share photos or information about your recent angling success within the parks with us please contact us at

Monday, January 13, 2014

Steelhead fishing on hold for now

Steelhead fishing is on hold for now as the rivers are currently jammed with ice.  Be aware of flooding in some parks and be sure to abide by road closed signs.  The bonus is the higher water should clear the ice out of the rivers and creeks and open up some winter steelhead fishing opportunities.

Grand River at Blair Road January 12

Chagrin River Park January 12

Grand River at Mason's Landing January 12

Paine Creek at Indian Point January 12