In an effort to provide anglers with the best information possible, the Lake Metroparks' Fishing Report provides up-to-date information on fishing hotspots, recent activity by anglers and management activities by the Park District. Learn where the fish are biting and where fish have been stocked within the parks.

If you wish to share photos or information about your recent angling success within the parks with us please contact us at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Challenging conditions

Recent low water levels coupled with very clear water and heavy angling pressure have led to some tough steelhead fishing in the area.  Look for the steelhead to be in the deeper holes or near the mouths of the river.  The best success has been with eggs and jigs tipped with maggots fished deep.  Scattered reports of success in the Grand River have come in from Grand River LandingKiwanis Recreation  Park and Beaty Landing.  A few success reports have also come in from Chagrin River Park.
There is more to fishing than just catching steelhead as the picture above shows.  This was taken in the early morning hours at Kiwanis Recreation Park.  The steelhead are here for the persistent angler and nothing beats a quiet morning on the river.