It seems that the Steelhead Spring is winding down. Recent high water did bring in some fish but mostly we are only seeing stragglers. Reports came out of
Chagrin River of some steelhead being caught this week. We also saw a little bit of activity in the Grand River and could see some this weekend but that should be the end of it. Time to move on to other species, with the current highlight on Smallmouth Bass. Fishing in
Veterans Park and other Lake Metroparks ponds is starting to pick up, with many reports of Largemouth Bass and panfish being caught. Please practice Catch and Proper Release as often as possible. Spring stocking of Lake Metroparks area ponds should begin soon and will be reported on this blog. ODNR continues to stock smolts at
Grand River Landing, in the event you catch one please release it quickly and carefully as this is the future of our Steelhead program. Happy Fishing!
Hidden Valley 4.30.16 |
Hidden Valley 4.30.16 |
Go Fish children's program at Lake Farmpark 4.21.16 |
ODNR stocking Grand River Landing 5.2.16 |
Liberty Hollow 5.4.16 |
Big Creek at Helen Hazen Wyman 5.6.16 |
Beaty Landing 5.6.16 |